Visionary - Fantastic
Moxtra is the disruptive, easy to use collaborative solution we have been waiting for a long time. You can share everything you want (movies, images, notes...) and it is as easy to use but more efficient as sending an email. This a social business solution which offers real time meeting (web conference) capabilities. everything you need to collaborate in one binder:) Download and invite your network in the Moxtras world.
Nhésitez pas a utiliser cette super solution de collaboration qui simplifie tout simplement la vie. On peut tout partager (images, notes, films...) mais aussi organiser en un clic des réunions en lignes et inviter son réseau a collaborer dans une solution qui ne nécessite aucun effort dadoption. Alors faites du bruit et recommandez Moxtra autour de vous car après on peut plus sen passer.
Ray In France about
Moxtra Individual, v1.0